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SafetyLiftinGear Supports No Falls Week

SafetyLiftinGear Supports No Falls Week

No Falls Week promotional image

Did you know that falls from height are the leading cause of fatalities at work in the UK? According to fall prevention charity No Falls Foundation, 30% of all workplace deaths in 2022-2023 were due to falls from height.

In an effort to change this alarming statistic, No Falls Foundation are launching No Falls Week, a week-long campaign aimed at raising awareness and educating employees and employers on the horrific consequences of falling from height.


What is No Falls Week 2024?

No Falls Week will begin on Monday 13th May 2024 and will continue throughout the week to promote safe working at height and help those affected by the consequences of a fall.


How to get involved

Organisations can join in by hosting height safety talks, workshops and demonstrations to ensure employers and employees are on the same page.

No Fall Foundation also provide a toolkit with various guidelines and resources to help you plan and implement these activities. Those who sign up to get involved will gain access to the Resources Hub where you'll find plenty of materials and collateral, such as:

  • Factsheets
  • Posters
  • Infographics
  • Industry reports
  • Videos

It's estimated that over 1 million workers work at height every year; supporting and engaging with this important initiative is a brilliant step towards reducing the number of fall-related injuries and fatalities at work.

For more information on how you can get involved, head over to the No Falls Week website or sign up here.

Looking for safety guidance and advice relating to work from height? Keep up to date with our height safety blog.

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