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why wear a helmet when working at height

The head is one of the most vulnerable areas of the human body. Even a minor impact can lead to severe concussions and more serious blows can lead to life-altering traumatic brain injuries. This is why wearing suitable head protection is crucial for safety while working at height.



Lifting equipment - WLL vs SWL

When you’re browsing the web for lifting equipment, you will come across the terms ‘working load limit’ and ‘safe working load’ quite frequently. So what exactly do these terms mean—are they just two different names for the same thing, or is there a difference between them? Read on to find out…



Flat roof fall protection

Falling from height is no joke. The latest HSE statistics show that falls from height are still the most prevalent cause of death among workers in Great Britain, accounting for 50 work-related deaths in 2023/24. This amounts to 36% of work-related deaths for that period.



Inspecting a safety harness

Safety harnesses are essential for keeping you and your colleagues safe when working at height. You'll want to get the best out of this key bit of kit, and the best way to do that is through regular inspections and some careful (but quite straightforward) maintenance.



Safe lifting guidelines

Whether you’re lifting boxes in a warehouse, moving supplies around an office, or carrying equipment across a construction site, proper lifting techniques are essential to avoid workplace injuries.



Do pallet trucks need to be inspected

Yes, pallet trucks must be inspected under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER). These regulations apply to anyone who owns, hires, operates or controls work equipment.



Ladder safety - safe use of ladders and step ladders, how to use a ladder safety. Man in high vis jacket and helmet climbing a ladder

Ladder safety should always be your top priority if you or your employees use ladders to work at height. As you'd imagine, we take safety very seriously here at SafetyLiftinGear - here is our guide on how to use a ladder safely.



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