Using a ratchet strap to secure heavy loads is a great way to prevent accidents and keep goods safe in transit.
Of course, you must ensure that your load is properly secured before you set off - and in order to do that, you will need to know the proper way to use a ratchet strap.
What does a ratchet strap look like?
A ratchet strap consists of a length of webbing, a ratcheting mechanism, and hooks for attaching the strap to a secure anchor point.
Here is what the two parts of a ratchet strap look like:

This is our Ultra-Premium heavy duty ratchet strap. This product uses a claw hook, but we can also provide ratchet straps with 'S' hooks or rave hooks.
And here's a closer look at the ratchet mechanism, which is used to tighten and release the strap:

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Ratchet straps come in a variety of different lengths and strengths. For example, the product pictured above has a minimum breaking strength (MBS) of 5 tonnes, and it's available in lengths ranging from 4 metres to 20 metres.
Always read the product information carefully before you buy - make sure you've chosen a ratchet strap that's long enough and strong enough to suit your requirements!
How to use a ratchet strap
- Take the lashing strap and uncoil it over the load you wish to secure.
- Use the hook to attach the ratchet strap to the chassis of your vehicle or a fixed anchor point.
- Pull the clutch lever down and click the ratchet back and forth until you've opened up a horizontal slot.
- Feed the slack end of the lashing strap through the centre barrel slot, then pull it through.
- Use the ratchet mechanism to add tension until you are confident the load is secure.
- Finally, close the ratchet, squeeze the spring-loaded trigger and lock the mechanism into place.
- When you're ready to unfasten your ratchet strap, simply pull the trigger, lift the handle and lock it into the release gate so that the ratchet lever opens.
If you're still unclear on how to use a ratchet strap, watch this video for a step-by-step demonstration:
Ratchet strap tips
If you are planning to secure your loads with our ratchet straps, we recommend using corner protectors to reduce wear and tear. Sharp corners and edges can damage the lashing strap and significantly reduce the product's lifespan.
Depending on the size, shape and weight of the load you're securing, you may need to use more than one ratchet strap in order to ensure that it won't come loose while you're on the road.
Finally, please remember to check the length and strength of your chosen ratchet strap before you proceed to the checkout.
Buy Ratchet Straps
SEE ALSO: How to Store Ratchet Straps