Electric and manual pallet trucks are both designed to do the same job: lifting and moving heavy pallets. The only real difference between them is how they’re powered.
Electric pallet trucks are powered by batteries, reducing the amount of physical effort required to move pallets around. You can get ‘semi electric’ trucks that still require manual pumping to lift and lower the load, or ‘fully electric’ trucks that automate the lifting and lowering process.
Manual pallet trucks don’t have batteries – they are operated manually and thus require more physical exertion. A hydraulic pump is used to lift and lower the truck, and in order to move loads from A to B, you must push and pull the trolley using your own strength.
Electric pallet trucks: benefits
The biggest selling point of an electric pallet truck is ease of use – far less physical effort is required when operating an electric pallet truck compared to a manual one.
Not only does this mean you can move heavier loads over fewer trips, but it also means workers are less likely to suffer an injury from excessive straining.
Potential drawbacks:
- Harder to manoeuvre in tight spaces
- Reliant on electric charging points
- More likely to break down
Manual pallet trucks: benefits
Manual pallet trucks may be more physically demanding than their electric counterparts, but there are lots of reasons why you might still choose to go down the manual route.
First of all, traditional pallet trucks are a lot cheaper. If you require a pallet truck infrequently, splashing out on an electric model won’t be worth your while, particularly if you’re only using it to move goods over short distances.
Manual pallet trucks also cost less to maintain than electric ones and are less prone to damage. Electric pallet trucks will need regular servicing and are more likely to need repairs at some point.
Potential drawbacks:
- Not as good for moving goods over long distances
- Might take longer to complete bigger jobs
- Higher risk of injury
Final thoughts
Consider your budget, workspace and how often you’ll need to use your pallet truck before deciding on an electric or manual model.
An electric pallet truck is a big investment, so make sure it’s worth it for your business. Remember: cheaper manual pallet trucks can do most of what an electric one can, so choose wisely.
In terms of manoeuvrability, smaller locations such as stockrooms will benefit from a manual device. However, larger areas like warehouses will suit an electric machine than can carry heavy pallets over much further distances with ease.
Frequency of use
If the use of a pallet truck is a daily occurrence at your workplace, it might be worth spending more upfront for the long-term convenience an electric pallet truck. If you’ll only get occasional use out of it, you’re better off saving your money and opting for a cheaper manual pallet truck.
If you’d like to receive personalised advice from one of our lifting and handling experts (about our range of pallet trucks, or anything else), get in touch with us today. Whatever choice you make, we’re confident that you’ll find what you’re looking for here at SafetyLiftinGear.com – use the links below to browse our range.
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