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As our regular followers will know, we often write about the vital necessity of height safety measures, particularly in the workplace. We do this to remind employers and workers about the importance of abiding by the correct height safety regulations, by conducting through risk assessments, following best practice guidelines, and using the correct equipment.

Sadly, however, it seems to make little difference how often this issue is discussed either by ourselves, or by other safety professionals.  Without fail, a new case of neglected height safety seems to rear its ugly head almost every week. Recently, two news stories came to our attention, both of which had serious consequences for both the workers and the companies employing them. Here's what went wrong, and what the consequences were:

The first case involves a roofing firm in Worcester, who were fined £66,000 after an employee was seriously injured at work. Whilst replacing a fragile roof in April of last year, the worker fell through a skylight and broke his wrist. After an investigation by the HSE was conducted, they found that this accident was a result of the company's failure to implement proper fall protection measures. If edge protection, nets and guardrails had been provided, the risk to the individual and other employees would have been significantly reduced.

In the second case, two construction bosses were sentenced to eight months in prison, and were ordered to pay a £90,000 fine along with £45,000 in court costs, following a worker fatality back in 2014. The incident occurred while C Smith and Sons were dismantling a building set for demolition, which required workers to operate at height. Following one near-miss, and an incident which left a 47 year old man with a fractured spine, pelvis, leg, heel and wrist, work was shockingly allowed to continue. Just hours after his co-worker was injured and only a day after one close call, Paul Harrower fell through a skylight, and died of serious head injuries.

Both of these incidents could have been prevented by the implementation of proper health and safety measures, which would have helped to save the lives and livelihoods of all those involved. Incidents like these can damage reputations and wreck lives, for the victims and their families, as well as those who are responsible. If you conduct operations at height, please take note of these regularly occurring tragedies, and avoid the same thing happening to you! Set the correct measures, follow them, and always use the correct equipment
For all the latest H&S news and advice, follow us on Twitter.

A window manufacturer and installer has been fined £36,000 after their workers were seen installing a window without any safety precautions, 8 metres above a busy west end street.

Westminster’s magistrates court head that the company carried out window installation work, which put their workers and members of the public at risk of serious injuries or fatalities.

A member of the public provided photos of the workers leading out of a window 8 metres above the street, they also provided a video, filmed on their phone, of the workers accidentally dropping a part of the window which fell to the ground narrowly missing a pedestrian.

The health and safety executive investigation found that the company failed to provide basic safety equipment, including scaffolding – which would have prevented the workers and the window from falling. On top of not providing the essential safety equipment, health and safety executive also found that the workers had not received any formal training, and there was no supervisor present.

It was also found that no risk assessment had been conducted, and the company had failed to invest in the correct safety equipment needed for when people are working at height.

Andrew Verrall – Withers, an HSE Inspector said – “The Company’s standards were appalling, and this was particularly unacceptable as previous warnings had been blatantly disregarded.”

In this day and age, there is no excuse to not take the relevant safety precautions when you are carrying out dangerous work.

Working at height is extremely dangerous so it is incredibly important to adhere to the working at height regulations and take the correct safety precautions at all times. These laws are in place to help protect workers, and the general public. In this case, if the pedestrian was under the window at the wrong time, there could have been a fatal accident.

If you have been asked to work at height make sure you have all the correct equipment for the task ahead. Remember to inspect your equipment for damage before use. If you equipment is damaged in any way, do not carry out the work until you have sourced a replacement, or had it repaired.

Here at SafetyLiftinGear we have a whole department dedicated to height safety. Here you will find a variety of specialist safety harnessesfall arrest blockslanyardssafety lines, rope access equipment, anchors and more.

If you are looking for a specific item but cannot locate it on our website, you can contact us by telephoning 0800 123 69 69 or emailing sales@safetyliftingear.com and a member of our team will be more than happy to assist you. 


Three companies have been fined a total of £90,000 after a work fell 6 meters off a platform that had no guardrails.

Southwark crown court heard that two workers were tasked with dismantling the top level of a unit at a construction site in London. When a worker slipped and fell over the side of the unguarded platform, hit a wall, then landed on the concrete floor. The worker sustained multiple injuries, including internal bleeding, fractures to his pelvis and right arm, and a collapsed lung. The injuries have left the worker unable to continue working.

 The three companies involved, Meta Management Services, Goss Graphic Systems, and Beck and Pollitzer Engineering Limited all pleaded guilty for a variety of offences.

When you are tasked with working at height, it is vital that you adhere to the working at height regulations 2005. These regulations state that before undergoing any work at height you need to ensure that the work is planned correctly, supervised and completed by competent people, and include using the right working at height equipment. For instance, safety harnesses, fall arrest blocks, anchors points and tool lanyards.

It is down to the employers to ensure that their workers are protected when they are working at height; this means that you need to ensure that collective protection equipment, such as guard rails, are implemented to protect everyone who is at risk, and that your workers are all wearing the appropriate personal protection equipment.

Before undergoing work at height, you must make sure that the weather conditions do not pose any risk of harm to your workers, make sure that it is dry and there is no wind. Ensure that the place where the work is to be undertaken is safe. That it’s not likely to collapse, and objects are not likely to fall from height.

At the first of February the laws regarding the health and safety sentencing changed. This means that companies that are found breaching the health and safety regulations can face serious sentences, and heftier fines when caught.

The introduction to of the new guidelines ensure that the courts rule all health and safety breaches in a standard way. Before the definitive guidelines were introduced, it was often left to the judges to decide the seriousness of the breach and then they came to a sentencing decision. This often led to larger companies not feeling an impact from breaching the health and safety regulations, and small companies put under too much financial strain, and ending up out of business.

The new sentencing guidelines now take into account culpability and harm factors on a scale of 1 – 4 (1 being the highest and 4 being the lowest), and the companies financial information. The sentencing is then broken down into 4 categories depending on the size of the company.

If you are running a large company with a turnover in excess of £50m a year you will incur larger fines (up to £10m) than a micro company.

Because of this change in sentencing, it is now, time to act and purchase the correct equipment to protect your workers while they are working at height.

We urge you all to start protecting your workers whilst they are at height and to purchase the correct equipment. At SafetyLiftinGear we have a whole department dedicated to height safety, containing equipment such as safety harnesseslanyardssafety linesanchor points, and more!

We would also like to remind you that on the 10th and 11th February we are attending the Executive Hire Show where we will have a stand dedicated to our height safety range. If you are attending the show, come and visit us at stand D80 and X32.


A construction firm has been fined after a worker fell 2.5m head first and sustained serious injuries. The hearing at Taunton Magistrates Court revealed that the employee was working at height on a construction site, when the formwork panels he was installing “gave way” and he fell head first over a ledge.

An investigation conducted by the Health and Safety Executive found that there had been a lack of planning for the height work, and the construction firm were using an unsafe method of installing the formwork.

The company was fined £13,000 and ordered to pay cost of £3,742.18 after pleading guilty to failing to comply with the Work at height regulations 2005.

Working at Height

Working at height is dangerous work. The law requires anybody who is planning to work at height, be it employers or the self-employed organise a plan so that the work is carried out in a safe manner.

If you can avoid working at height, do! It is important not to put yourself, or others in a working situation that they could injure themselves unless it’s unavoidable or absolutely necessary. Conduct the appropriate risk assessments, and make sure all your staff are fully trained, and briefed on the safety precautions. 

If you find yourself having to work at height, make sure you are protecting yourself from potential injury at all costs. Over 60% of fatalities during working at height are a result of falls, either from ladders, scaffolding, platforms, roof edges, and fragile roofs make sure you are using Fall Arrest Blocksafety harnessesLanyardssafety lines and roof anchors as required. If you do not have access to this equipment do not undergo the work.

Before undergoing any height work make sure that all the equipment that you will be using has been inspected thoroughly for any damage. If you do come across any damage do not use, and postpone any work at height until the equipment has been replaced. 

Click here to view all our products in our Hight Safety Department. If yo have any questions about our products the please call us on 0808 123 69 69 or email our specialist Customer service team at sales@safetyliftingear.com

Lifting heavy equipment can be extremely dangerous. It is crucial that correct training and equipment is used to prevent accidents and fatalities in the workplace. 

Last year it was reported that a 37 year old warehouse worker died in a tragic accident on his first shift as saw operator for a business in the Cardiff docks area. 

There were no eye witnesses to the accident but it is believed that the worker may have been attempting to attach lifting chains around a girder unsupervised.  Staff members found him pinned between two pieces, attempts were made to remove the girder but Paramedics pronounced him dead at the scene. 

Although training was provided, there was no clear instruction about which method for moving or cutting the two tonne steel columns should be used. It came to light that the company did not have written guidance on how to lift the girders, leaving their employees to create their own ways. 

The company was fined £112,000 and ordered to pay £98,000 in costs. 

Accidents like these, whether they end in a fatality like the above case, or a worker ends up hurt are tragic, because they are so easily preventable. 

As an employer it is your responsibility to ensure that your employees are working in a safe environment by providing comprehensive training to all your employees and training them to use the right equipment and wear the correct PPE at all times. 

Before engaging in any type of heavy lifting, you need to ensure that all of your equipment meets or exceeds the working load limit (WLL) of the load you are planning on lifting or moving. 

Additionally you must also ensure that any lifting tasks are correctly planned, supervised and conducted in a safe manner, with people who are fully trained to use the equipment needed. You must also perform an inspection of all the lifting equipment that you will be using. Do not use equipment that is worn or damaged in any way. 

Here at SafetyLiftinGear we stock a fully comprehensive range of top quality heavy lifting equipment, including a large range of beam clampschainblocksleverhoistselectric hoists, wire rope hoistsround slingschainslings and more. Click here to view our extensive lifting equipment range. 
Construction sites are very dangerous places to work, being surrounded by heavy machinery, noisy power tools, large trucks and lorries, entering confined working spaces, or being in contact with potentially hazardous materials (Asbestos) chemicals and gases, can greatly increase the risk of accidents. So if you are working on, visiting or managing a building or construction site, you need to ensure that you and your staff are dressing appropriately. 

When is PPE Needed?

According to the HSE (Health and Safety Executive), PPE should be used “when all other measures are inadequate to control exposure”. PPE is generally advised to be used as a last resort, when risks to employee health cannot be avoided or controlled in any other way.

Do I need PPE?

If your workplace is found to have risks to your health that cannot be controlled by any other means, you might need PPE. If PPE is needed, it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure PPE is provided to all employees who may be exposed to a risk to their health or safety while at work. It is also the responsibility of the employer to provide said PPE free of charge, whether it is returnable or not (Section 9 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974).

Workplace PPE from SafetyLiftinGear:

We at SafetyLiftinGear, take Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) extremely seriously. Here is an example of the products that we stock in our specialist PPE section

Ear protection
When you are working in loud environments where you are exposed to loud noises it is important to take care of your hearing, prolonged exposure to loud noises can lead to noise related hearing loss, or tinnitus. You can protect yourself against noise by using our Ear defenders. Our ear defenders offer comfort and protection with a noise reduction rating up to 34dB. 
Eye Protection 
By law eye protection must be worn when you are in a hazardous area, if you are employing people to work on your site it is your responsibility to provide eye protection. When choosing eye protection it is important that they are comfortable, and that they are designed to protect you from the potential hazard such high speed flying metal particles, small stones, or chemical splashes. You will also need to consider if you are going to be using ear protection with them, or a respirator, as these items can affect how the glasses fit. 
Here at SafetyLiftinGear our safety goggles have a soft, adjustable head strap to ensure that they are comfortable and can be used with your ear protection and respirators if needed. Click here to View.
Dust Masks 
Every year people are dying because of prolonged exposure to hazardous substances while at work.  Dust masks help prevent the development of respiratory illnesses caused from the inhalation of hazardous substances while you are working. Many hazardous substances are fine dusts, smoke, gas and vapour, most of which you cannot see. 
When you are choosing your dust mask, make sure it is suitable for the potential hazards you could be facing in your workplace.  Here at SafetyLiftinGear we stock a huge range of dust masks that will protect you from a range of hazardous substances, click here to view our comprehensive range. 
High Visibility Clothing 
When you are working on a building or construction site, you are at increased risk of injury by large trucks, and Lorries when they are entering, navigating and exiting a work site. High visibility clothing is made from materials with florescent pigments and reflective bands over the shoulders and around the waist. Make sure that you are choosing the correct high visibility clothing for the working conditions, and the task that you are carrying out.
Here at Safety Lifting Gear we stock a huge range of high visibility wear, including safety jacket harnesses, high visibility overalls, and high visibility jackets. Click here to view our full range of high Visibility clothing. 
Did you know that here at SafetyLiftinGear we can also offer Custom branded workwear? Just head over to Safety Life Gear where all of the Personal Protection Equipment is Customisable. So if you want to proudly display your companies name and logo on your high visibility jacket you can!

As the name suggests, here at SafetyLiftinGear, we specialise in supplying lifting equipment to manufacturing companies, warehouses, event riggers, and more. It is important when you are using heavy lifting equipment that you use it correctly to ensure that your equipment lasts a long time and to create a safe work place for you and your employees. Here are 3 tips on how to use your lifting equipment safely: 

  • Do not exceed capacity of your lifting equipment

If your try and lift a load that is over the Working Load Limit  (WLL) you are putting your equipment under structural strain and could result in your equipment becoming irreversibly damaged or even break when in use, causing your load to fall which could cause your load to be damaged, or worse, fatal injury to you or a colleague.

Exceeding the WLL could also cause your load to swing, causing damage to your load, structures around you, or even people working in and around the area. It is crucial that you know the weight of the load that you are lifting, so you know which equipment is best for the job.

Click here to view our range of load weighing equipment

  • Make sure your find the loads centre of gravity

If you are lifting heavy load, even or uneven loads it is important that you test the centre of gravity, this is to stop your load from falling from height and causing an accident. To test the centre of gravity of your load, lift it up a few inches off the ground, and stop – if your load falls then there will be little harm if it falls.

  •  Use a load arrestor as backup in case your primary lifting method fails

If you have accidently over loaded your equipment or you have not found the correct centre of gravity of your load, you could end up dropping your load from a great height. Load arrestors are designed to halt the decent of your load and helps to help prevent accidents always connect your load to a load arrestor.

Click here to browse our range of Load Arrestors.

You will find that most of our products have a different WLL, please ensure when purchasing a heavy lifting product that you select the adequate product for the loads you need lifting. If you are lifting a load that is 3.5 tonnes then you will need to select the piece of equipment above 3.5 tonnes not 3 tonnes. The WLL of all of our products are clearly labelled in the product description if you have any questions regarding the WLL of any of our products please contact us and an member of our customer service team will be happy to help. 


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