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SafetyLiftinGear's new depot in West London

We're pleased to announce that we recently added a second unit to our depot in West London, giving us twice as much floor space.



LEEA approved member logo

Here at SafetyLiftinGear we’re passionate about supplying our customers with sturdy and reliable safety equipment with a first-class customer service experience, which is why we’re delighted to announce that we’re now officially approved full members of LEEA!

What is LEEA?

LEEA are the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association, an organisation dedicated to ensuring safety and quality across lifting equipment materials and supplier integrity. LEEA are on a mission to educate, influence, and ensure that safe practice is the everyday norm. Here at SafetyLiftinGear we’re advocates of that message, and so we are very pleased as punch to be approved as full members of an internationally well-respected institution. More...


We recently received the good news that SafetyLiftinGear's parent company, Tacklestore Ltd, has achieved the Achilles BuildingConfidence Standard!

View Our Membership Certificate >>


What is the BuildingConfidence Standard?

The Achilles BuildingConfidence Standard is a standard specifically designed for the construction industry.

The certification is a mark of credibility, and companies who have achieved this standard can be relied upon to deliver a highly compliant service.

We hope that this standard will help SafetyLiftinGear's construction industry customers to feel confident when buying and hiring our products!

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Executive Hire Show 2018

We are very excited to announce that we will be exhibiting a wide range of SafetyLiftinGear products at the Executive Hire Show in Coventry next month. The EHS is one of the biggest events on the tools and equipment industry calendar - here's everything you need to know:

What is the Executive Hire Show?

The Executive Hire Show is an annual event that gives the UK's biggest and best manufacturers a chance to promote their products and service to a huge audience of hire companies and other potential clients. Since its launch in 2007, the EHS has become a huge event that attracts thousands of attendees every time it's held.

When and where will this event take place?

The Executive Hire Show will take place at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th February 2018.

Where will I find SafetyLiftinGear's stand?

We actually have two stands at this year's Executive Hire Show - find us on stands E65 and D80.

Click here for a full list of exhibitors.

What products will we be exhibiting?

Here are just a few of the top-quality products that we'll have on display:

Counter Balance Material Lift

TORO-D-404 Counter Balance Material Lift

Industrial material lifts designed to lift loads weighing up to 400kg. Maximum lift height: 5.04 metres.

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Battery Powered Pallet Truck

BATT TRUCK Battery Powered Pallet Trucks

Semi- and fully-electric battery powered pallet trucks. Suitable for a wide variety of handling tasks.

View Product Range >


Fixator Hoist

Fixator LM500 Electric Wire Hoist

This electric hoist is capable of lifting loads of up to 500kg. Available to buy or hire, the Fixator LM500 hoist is compact, portable, and easy to use.

View Product >


We will also be exhibiting a new battery-powered stair climber, a lightweight aluminium gantry, and a whole host of other state-of-the-art products from the SafetyLiftinGear range.

If you would like to attend the 2018 Executive Hire Show, click here to pre-register!


Hinkley Point Fence Test


Did you know that we provide on-site testing services for clients in a range of different industries? Read on to discover what services we offer.


What is the meaning of onsite testing?

On-site testing is an umbrella term for all sorts of testing services that happen on-site, meaning the company doing the testing will travel to you. This service is valuable to businesses for lots of reasons, most notably the speed at which they receive the results, saving time and cutting costs.


What on-site testing services does SafetyLiftinGear provide?

Here at SafetyLiftinGear, we provide on-site force tests for all kinds of different products and materials for various businesses. Below are some recent examples of the on-site testing we carried out:


On-site testing: Case studies

Wind testing fencing at Hinkley Point

We visited Hinkley Point to test the strength of the fencing around the power station. Here we carried out a personnel test (pictured above) and a wind test (below) using a calibrated load cell and our own round slings and lever hoists.


Wind testing fencing at Hinkley Point


On-site testing for handrail at Bristol airport

The team from our Bristol service centre also paid a visit to Bristol Airport last week, where they carried out on-site testing on a handrail.


Onsite testing for handrail at Bristol airport


As requested by a contractor, the handrail's resin anchored fixings were tested up to a force of 1.5kN. Strength tests like this are important to ensure the safety of fixtures in what is one of England's busiest international airports.

Contact us now to request a FREE on-site testing quote. Our on-site testing services are carried out by expert technicians who can provide a professional solution for all sorts of different requirements!

SafetyLiftinGear.com Sponsors Charity Fundraisers

We at SafetyLiftinGear.com are always happy to get behind a good cause, and we often sponsor people who are doing amazing things to raise money for charity.

Here are two very impressive fundraising efforts that we are currently sponsoring:

Running a Marathon for the White Lodge Centre

This coming weekend, Stephanie Doolan will be pulling on her trainers and running a full 26.2 mile marathon to raise money for the White Lodge Centre, a charity that provides support for disabled people and their families and carers.

The White Lodge Centre is a cause that's very close to Stephanie's heart. Her daughter Emily was born with a rare chromosome duplication condition; she also has autism, early onset arthritis, and dual hip dysplasia. Emily couldn't walk until she was 5 years old and had undergone multiple hip/leg operations.

Throughout Emily's life to date, the White Lodge Centre has been a crucial source of support, equipment and advice for Stephanie and her family. "The White Lodge Centre have quite literally given Emily her legs back," says Stephanie on her JustGiving page. "The support and encouragement they have dedicated to Emily has been inspiring and I can't put into words how grateful we are."

Stephanie has already completed several fundraising runs for the White Lodge Centre, including a 5k, a 10k, and a half marathon. However, this will be her first full marathon, so we hope you'll join us in donating to her fund and showing your support! Donate here >

20Twenty Challenge

We've supported Shaun Gash - a man who, in spite of being paralysed from the waist down, never shies away from a demanding physical challenge - in a number of fundraising efforts in the past, and we were more than happy to lend a hand when with his latest project: the 20Twenty Challenge.

This August, Shaun and his friend Gavin will be attempting to travel from Land's End to John o'Groats in less than 20 days. Instead of making this journey on bicycles (as many other fundraisers do), Shaun and Gavin will be travelling in self-propelled wheelchairs...and they are hoping to set a new Guinness World Record in the process!

We at SafetyLiftinGear are proud to have supplied Shaun and Gavin with protective helmets and a few other pieces of safety gear - we hope our products will serve them well as they make their way from Cornwall to the Scottish Highlands. This is a 'mass participation' event, and the two men are hoping that they will be able to make a big difference to lives up and down the country. Find out how you can get involved here.

A new year is just around the corner, and big changes are afoot here at SafetyLifitnGear! Early in January 2017, we will be moving our Bristol operations to brand new premises in Avonmouth. We'll be gaining an addition 28,000 square feet when we move into the new building, which will serve as both our head office and our distribution centre.

Here's what our new home looks like from the outside:

New SafetyLiftinGear Distribution Centre

Aside from all the extra space we'll have, the most exciting thing about this move is the number of jobs it will create. We will be taking on a new wave of staff as part of the transition, and we hope that this will be a huge boon to the community in Avonmouth and the surrounding area.

SafetyLiftinGear is a leading supplier of lifting/handling equipment and height safety gear. We have 7 depots across the UK - click here to find your nearest location. And don't worry if you don't live near any of our depots, because you can also order online via our website!

Get in touch to learn more about our training courses!

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