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Workers using a fall restraint system

When working at height, it's essential to have an effective fall protection system in place, for the safety of yourself and those around you.



According to statistics published by the Health & Safety Executive, approximately 26% of UK workplace fatalities in 2018 came as a result of falling from height.

That sobering statistic highlights just how dangerous working at height can be and, moreover, just how important it is to take the correct precautions before engaging in such activities.

If working at height is a big part of your job, keep yourself and others protected by being mindful of the risks involved.

Here’s a rundown of some of the most important things to consider when working at height.

 working at height, fall arrest, fall protection


Take Note of Legislation

Laws are implemented for a reason, so it’s important to take note of the relevant legislation. When it comes to working at height, this point is extremely important.

Make sure that you fully understand what applies to you and take the appropriate actions to adhere to these rulings at all times.

For workers, knowing and following these guidelines can help ensure that the working conditions are safe and risks are kept to a minimum.

Meanwhile, for employers, it can also help ensure all actions are done by the book, protecting the workers while also protecting the company from liability claims in the event of an accident.


Assess the Risks

Like any potentially dangerous situation, a comprehensive risk assessment is vital in preparing for the task at hand and can help highlight any areas of concern.

Conducting a thorough risk assessment can not only allow you to minimise the dangers but also potentially allow you to eliminate them altogether.

Should the risks be unavoidable, the identification of these dangers allows for preventative measures to be put in place, such as a fall arrest or fall restraint system.


Knowledge is Power

It’s the employer’s responsibility to provide the worker with the relevant training for the task at hand. This point is included in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and is naturally extremely important to take into consideration.

Suitable training can prepare workers for the proposed job and allow them to carry them out safely. Only those that have the relevant level of experience and training should be authorised to carry out the corresponding task.


Prepare for the Worst

While every step should be taken to avoid a devastating accident, failure to prepare for the worst is not only foolish and short-sighted but also potentially very dangerous.

Be sure to formulate and implement an appropriate rescue plan to keep all parties covered in the event of an unfortunate mishap. This includes supplying the appropriate emergency rescue equipment.

Which leads us nicely to our next point…


Come Equipped

In order to ensure you are completely protected in the event of a fall, it’s vital that the correct equipment is used at all times. Often referred to as PPE (Personal Protection Equipment), this is the last resort standing between you and the ground in the event of a worst-case scenario.

It’s important to remember that not all fall protection equipment is universal and some protection measures will be more appropriate for a specific job than others. For more information on the different kinds of safety restraints, check out our blog on overhead and horizontal safety lines.

In addition to supplying equipment for working at height, we also provide inspection and certification of such equipment. For advice and guidance on what equipment may be best for you, get in touch today to speak with one of your specialist advisors.


For more information on precautions for working at height and general safety measures for height work, why not drop us a line today?

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Working from a great height can be a risky business, with the potential of taking a terrifying tumble an ever-present danger.

As such, knowing that your life is in safe hands is a vital part of the role, with a lack of precaution being a deadly consequence. Luckily, there are a variety of safety solutions to help keep you protected whilst working at height.

Safe, sound and secure, our variety of safety lines are specifically designed with safety in mind to leave you feeling stress-free, allowing you to focus on the task at hand.

 horizontal safety line systems

What are horizontal safety lines?

In a nutshell, horizontal safety lines (aka horizontal lifelines) are wire-based horizontal fall protection for those that work at height. When other supports are not suitable for the task at hand, horizontal safety line systems can be a literal life-saver.

Particularly useful for those that work on rooftops, these lifelines – permanently attached to the surface for the duration of the job – allow the worker to move hands-free and unobstructed without the risk of falling to the ground below.


Fall Restraint Systems vs Fall Arrest Systems

Horizontal safety lines typically offer duel fall protection in the form of “fall restraint” and “fall arrest”. While those terms may, on the surface, seem interchangeable, both offer two distinctly different forms of security.

As such, it’s vitally important to know the difference between the two and each phrase is well worth becoming acquainted with.

Fall Restraint Protection

Fall Restraint Systems limit the user’s range of movement to within a set perimeter, essentially preventing you from reaching the point of a potential fall hazard. For example, if the edge of a building is 2 metres away from the safety line, a fall restraint may only allow you to explore up to 1.5 metres away from the safety line, effectively “restraining” you from access to the hazardous edge.

Fall Arrest Protection

Unlike the preventative measures of a Fall Restraint System, Fall Arrest Systems act as a reactive safety net after a fall occurs. If access to an edge is a necessary part of a job, workers will naturally need a greater range of movement, so the length of lanyard provided will be greater than the distance to the edge. The “arrest” occurs if a fall takes place, prematurely halting the fall and preventing contact with the ground below.


What horizontal safety lines are available?

When it comes to fall protection, we offer two primary options in terms of permanent horizontal safety line systems: namely the PRIM and the MONOLINE.

Each uniquely different yet both equally strong, these effective horizontal lifeline systems offer secure support for high-risk workers, whether they’re walking the rooftop high-wire or working high above a factory floor.


PRIM Horizontal Safety Line System

As major roofing manufacturers develop profiles of lighter weight and insulation of greater thickness, it’s important to approach these structures with safety equipment that doesn’t compromise structural integrity or user safety.

The PRIM Horizontal Safety Line System provides ample protection for up to two people working at height. Capable of being used as a fall arrest system or fall restraint system, this safety line consists of an 8mm stainless steel cable, which is then fastened to dynamic load control anchor posts which are in-turn installed to the finished roof surface.

Each anchor post is equipped with an integral load controlling element. The load control element is specially designed to reduce the loadings subjected to the roof during a fall situation. This not only reduces possible damage to the roof surface during a fall but also reduces the impact loadings through the complete safety line ensuring no overloading is possible. The worker can connect their lanyard to the safety line via a specially designed travelling device that provides the worker with uninterrupted, hands-free movement along the cable, while also maintaining continual protection. Alternatively, the anchor's posts can be installed as a single point anchors conforming to EN795:2012 for localised maintenance tasks.

In addition to the cable itself, all other components of the horizontal Safety Line System are made of either stainless steel or aluminium. Additionally, this horizontal lifeline system also complies with the EN 795 (2012) type C standard and CEN/TS 16415:2012 for anchor devices designed to be used by more than one person simultaneously. 


MONOLINE Overhead Safety Line System

The MONOLINE Overhead Safety Line System is also a horizontal safety line designed for multi-person use at height, providing fall protection within a manual working environment.

Made from 8mm 7x7 stainless steel cable and stainless-steel components, this system has an advantage over other fall-arrest equipment due to its adaptability to a range of jobs, particularly indoors. It can be installed horizontally to a vertical structure (such as a wall) or to an overhead horizontal structure (such as a beam or ceiling).

However, it’s worth noting that, before fastening to a fixture, structural durability checks must be carried out by trained and competent personnel. Meanwhile, the assembly process itself must also be handled by an individual of suitable knowledge and experience.

Similarly, after installation, the system should be checked and certified by Safety LiftinGear.com or one of our authorised agents. These checks should be carried out at least annually to ensure their continued safe usage.

Please note that this support system is designed to be used with the MONOLINE 2-Wheeled Travelling Trolley for personal use and shouldn’t be used for suspending or transporting goods. Meanwhile, additional personal protective wear should also be worn by the MONOLINE user.


Ensure your safety and save your risk assessor from a meltdown today with one of our horizontal safety line systems. Call now on 0117 9381 600 for more information or get in touch using the button below.

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Working at height comes with high-level risk – it goes without saying that you need the right equipment to keep you safe. Our height safety services are of an incredibly high calibre (no pun intended). To prove we’re not afraid to put our money where our mouth is, we’d like to share the story of an exciting installation done for the Clifton Observatory in Bristol.

The History

Before we delve into the details of the installation – and the height safety equipment used – we need to turn back the clock to tell you all about the Clifton Observatory and how it came to be:   

In the 19th century, the artist William West renovated the Clifton Observatory from what was then a humble derelict mill and turned it into the observatory building it is today. It was West who first introduced the camera obscura – in England, this is the only camera obscura open to the general public.


Work at height

To keep the camera obscura in tip-top condition, maintenance staff were required to clean the lens. Doing this meant getting pretty high up –  and considering all the health and safety consequences that came with that.  

To keep staff safe, we provided a bespoke fall restraint solution meaning staff could navigate the observatory rooftop sure in the knowledge the equipment provided by Safety Lifting Gear would prevent any dangerous falls.

While the heights weren’t for the fainthearted, the gorgeous views of Clifton bridge from the top of the observatory definitely make for some pictures to remember.  


Height Safety Services for You

We know that safety is of the uppermost importance when there is a need for working at height – this is why we provide a wide selection of equipment to meet all of your height safety needs.  From our safety harnesses to our wide selection of climbing cord and rope, you can rest assured any job can be done safely from falls.

For those who haven’t worked at height before, or if you’d like a refresher on best practice when working on a height-based project, check out our comprehensive height safety training courses! From reliable products to effective training, we can make your job easier and safer.



Fall restraint system

There are some important differences between the terms fall restraint and fall arrest, and it's extremely important to understand these differences (and use the correct safety equipment) when working at height.

According to current height safety regulations, you must:

  • Avoid working at height where it's reasonably practicable to do so.

  • Where work at height cannot be avoided, make the working area as safe as possible and take appropriate fall prevention measures (such as installing edge protection barriers).

  • Use a fall restraint system to stop the worker from reaching a fall hazard (like an unprotected roof edge or an open manhole).

  • Use a fall arrest system to limit the distance and consequences of a fall. This option should always be the last resort and must also include adequate means of rescue.

All fall protection systems - including fall restraints AND fall arrests - consist of three essential pieces of equipment: anchors, lanyards and harnesses.

Anchors   Lanyards   Harnesses

Let's take a closer look at the two different types of fall protection system...


Fall Restraint

What are fall restraints?

Fall restraints prevent the worker from being able to reach fall hazards in the first place. Fall restraint systems normally includes a fixed-length lanyard connected to a suitable anchorage point at one end and the worker's safety harness at the other. The length of the lanyard is adjusted to prevent the worker from being able to reach a fall hazard. Fall restraint systems are also referred to as work restraint or simply restraint systems.

When to use fall restraint equipment

A fall restraint system should always be considered before a fall arrest system (in accordance with the current working at height regulations) since fall restraints prevent falls from happening at all. A fall restraint system might also be considered where limited ground clearance is available below the work area. Restraint equipment typically requires less intervention from the worker as they're able to work continuously at a fixed distance from the anchorage point.

Fall restraints are also typically more cost-effective than fall arrest systems due to the fact that shock absorbers are not necessary, and you're not required to have a rescue plan in place for the duration of the work as there should be zero chance of the worker falling or being suspended in their harness.


Fall Arrest

What does 'fall arrest' mean?

A fall arrest system provides maximum freedom of movement for the worker - however, in doing so, it also enables the worker to reach a position where an accidental fall could occur. In the event of a fall, the fall arrest system ensures the worker will be caught before descending. Fall arrest equipment must be selected and positioned to limit the distance and consequences of the fall.

When using a fall arrest system, you will need to utilise a fall arrest harness and an appropriate lanyard. Fall arrest harnesses decelerate the momentum of a fall by absorbing the kinetic energy. Fall arrest harnesses are ergonomically designed to provide utmost comfort, both while working at height and in the event of a fall.

When using fall arrest systems, it's essential that you always use the correct equipment. Click the links below to browse the wide range of fall arrest anchors and fall arrest blocks available from SafetyLiftinGear.

Fall Arrest Anchors   Fall Arrest Blocks

IMPORTANT: When choosing a fall arrest harness, you must ensure that it is fit for purpose. A fall protection harness that's designed to restrain the worker may not be able to safely halt a worker who has fallen from height. Choose a harness that's specifically designed to be used as part of a fall arrest system.

When to use a fall arrest system

A fall arrest system should be used where it is not possible to restrict the worker from reaching a fall hazard. Fall arrest systems would typically be used when work needs to be completed on fragile surfaces, or when the worker is required to work over the leading edge of a fall hazard. If a worker is able to reach a fall hazard, fall arrest equipment (e.g. a fall arrest harness) must be used. Following a fall, consideration must be given to the rescue of the worker - leaving the worker suspended in the air for an extended period of time can result in suspension trauma.

If you want to get a better idea of the different types of equipment and accessories available that you can use within your fall arrest system, click on the link below to view our fall arrest products.


Rescue Equipment

The law states that, when planning work at height, consideration must be given to a full and comprehensive rescue plan. The rescue plan is intended to reduce the risks associated with the worker being suspended after a fall has occurred, and must ensure that the rescue is completed in a prompt and safe manner.

There are several methods of rescue available that are specific to the work environment and location of a fall. Here at SafetyLiftinGear, we offer variety of emergency rescue systems to allow the fast and efficient rescue of a suspended worker.


Click the button below to explore our full range of fall arrest and fall restraint equipment...

Fall Protection Equipment

...and if you have any questions about our fall protection systems, don't hesitate to contact SafetyLiftinGear today.


Working at height comes with a number of risks and it is of vital importance that you take all the safety precautions you can. A rescue block can be what saves you from falling and injuring yourself, as they protect you from falling to the ground when working at height. The synthetic rope or cable that is wrapped around the reel of the block works like a retractable lifeline, which suspends you in the air in the event of a fall. 

All the rescue blocks we supply are designed to be reliable and effective. The last thing you want to do is doubt the quality of your height safety equipment, so we make sure you don't have to. The rescue blocks have a shock-absorbing system that prevents injury in the event of a fall. The high-quality materials used for each rescue block allow them to be used year after year, as the durable cables can withstand strain time after time without eroding or snapping.

Of course, you must be sure to choose a rescue block that suits your requirements, as each is a different size and has different restrictions. Luckily, our extensive range of blocks means we are confident you will be able to find the product you need. 

Browse Our Rescue Blocks >


Here are some of the rescue blocks available at SafetyLiftinGear:

Rescue Block

(Lightweight Fall Arrest Block - G-Force)


Rescue Block

(Fall Arrest Block with Recovery Winch)


If you have any questions about our range of rescue blocks or any of the other products we have, feel free to get in touch. Our helpful team is here to answer your questions and help you find the appropriate equipment for the job.

Contact Us >


Here at SafetyLiftinGear, we understand that height safety is of the utmost importance to anyone who works at height. This is why we offer a wide range of height safety products that you can view here.

140kg safety harness140kg block140kg safety lanyard

However, we also understand that the weight capacity of standard safety harness and lanyards sometimes may not be enough, and that is why we now offer 140kg harnesses, lanyards and fall arrest blocks. We aim to provide safety gear that suits a wide range of requirements so that you can always rely on us, regardless of your requirements. This new product collection accommodates those who require fall arrest equipment with an above-average weight capacity. You can browse our fantastic 140kg collection now by clicking here.

When combining our 140kg harnesses, lanyards and fall arrest blocks, you can be confident that you will be supported in the event of a fall. Our high-quality products have been designed to give you maximum protection whilst working at height. These heavy-duty fall restraint products are ideal for almost any at-height job, whether it involves roofs, cherry pickers, or scaffolding. 

For any additional information about our 140kg harnesses and lanyards, or about any of our other products, please feel free to contact us today. Our expert team members are happy to advise you!


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