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Permanent safety line

Safety line systems are among the most popular safety solutions utilised by people who work at height. They are used to protect workers from falling, whether they’re working on rooftops or trains, skyscrapers or electric towers.



Custom safety lines

With many years of experience in the field of height safety, we at SafetyLiftinGear are able to provide a fall protection system for virtually any project. Whatever your requirements, we have the products and the expertise to help your team stay safe while working at height.

We recently provided a set of custom safety lines for Centrica Business Solutions, who make combined heat and power (CHP) units for a range of different clients. Part of Centrica's manufacturing process requires access onto the roof of each CHP, so the company found themselves with an unavoidable need to work at height.

That's where we came we in. SafetyLiftinGear designed a bespoke support-post fall arrest system (combined with our G-Force monoline overhead safety line) to protect up to 14 simultaneous workers. Our fall protection specialists installed two safety lines with bespoke support posts to remove the roof slope and keep the safety line horizontal; we also attached another 5 overhead safety lines to the main structural steels.

The very smooth movement of the G-force monoline travelling trolley grants the worker free and uninterrupted movement as they go about their daily duties.

Here's what the production supervisor from Centrica CHP Manufacturing had to say about our custom safety line system:

"We had been looking for a fall arrest system to fit our needs for quite a while, once we spoke to SLG we were sure their solution would enable us to operate in as safe a manner as possible.

The feedback from the team using them has been great. They feel a lot safer than before, and the fall arrest blocks being above them means they aren’t in the way of the job at hand.

SLG will definitely be our first port of call should any future projects arise."

If you need a bespoke fall protection system to keep your workers safe, call SafetyLiftinGear on 0117 9381 600 to request a quotation.

Fall Protection Systems from SafetyLiftinGear.com


Working from a great height can be a risky business, with the potential of taking a terrifying tumble an ever-present danger.

As such, knowing that your life is in safe hands is a vital part of the role, with a lack of precaution being a deadly consequence. Luckily, there are a variety of safety solutions to help keep you protected whilst working at height.

Safe, sound and secure, our variety of safety lines are specifically designed with safety in mind to leave you feeling stress-free, allowing you to focus on the task at hand.

 horizontal safety line systems

What are horizontal safety lines?

In a nutshell, horizontal safety lines (aka horizontal lifelines) are wire-based horizontal fall protection for those that work at height. When other supports are not suitable for the task at hand, horizontal safety line systems can be a literal life-saver.

Particularly useful for those that work on rooftops, these lifelines – permanently attached to the surface for the duration of the job – allow the worker to move hands-free and unobstructed without the risk of falling to the ground below.


Fall Restraint Systems vs Fall Arrest Systems

Horizontal safety lines typically offer duel fall protection in the form of “fall restraint” and “fall arrest”. While those terms may, on the surface, seem interchangeable, both offer two distinctly different forms of security.

As such, it’s vitally important to know the difference between the two and each phrase is well worth becoming acquainted with.

Fall Restraint Protection

Fall Restraint Systems limit the user’s range of movement to within a set perimeter, essentially preventing you from reaching the point of a potential fall hazard. For example, if the edge of a building is 2 metres away from the safety line, a fall restraint may only allow you to explore up to 1.5 metres away from the safety line, effectively “restraining” you from access to the hazardous edge.

Fall Arrest Protection

Unlike the preventative measures of a Fall Restraint System, Fall Arrest Systems act as a reactive safety net after a fall occurs. If access to an edge is a necessary part of a job, workers will naturally need a greater range of movement, so the length of lanyard provided will be greater than the distance to the edge. The “arrest” occurs if a fall takes place, prematurely halting the fall and preventing contact with the ground below.


What horizontal safety lines are available?

When it comes to fall protection, we offer two primary options in terms of permanent horizontal safety line systems: namely the PRIM and the MONOLINE.

Each uniquely different yet both equally strong, these effective horizontal lifeline systems offer secure support for high-risk workers, whether they’re walking the rooftop high-wire or working high above a factory floor.


PRIM Horizontal Safety Line System

As major roofing manufacturers develop profiles of lighter weight and insulation of greater thickness, it’s important to approach these structures with safety equipment that doesn’t compromise structural integrity or user safety.

The PRIM Horizontal Safety Line System provides ample protection for up to two people working at height. Capable of being used as a fall arrest system or fall restraint system, this safety line consists of an 8mm stainless steel cable, which is then fastened to dynamic load control anchor posts which are in-turn installed to the finished roof surface.

Each anchor post is equipped with an integral load controlling element. The load control element is specially designed to reduce the loadings subjected to the roof during a fall situation. This not only reduces possible damage to the roof surface during a fall but also reduces the impact loadings through the complete safety line ensuring no overloading is possible. The worker can connect their lanyard to the safety line via a specially designed travelling device that provides the worker with uninterrupted, hands-free movement along the cable, while also maintaining continual protection. Alternatively, the anchor's posts can be installed as a single point anchors conforming to EN795:2012 for localised maintenance tasks.

In addition to the cable itself, all other components of the horizontal Safety Line System are made of either stainless steel or aluminium. Additionally, this horizontal lifeline system also complies with the EN 795 (2012) type C standard and CEN/TS 16415:2012 for anchor devices designed to be used by more than one person simultaneously. 


MONOLINE Overhead Safety Line System

The MONOLINE Overhead Safety Line System is also a horizontal safety line designed for multi-person use at height, providing fall protection within a manual working environment.

Made from 8mm 7x7 stainless steel cable and stainless-steel components, this system has an advantage over other fall-arrest equipment due to its adaptability to a range of jobs, particularly indoors. It can be installed horizontally to a vertical structure (such as a wall) or to an overhead horizontal structure (such as a beam or ceiling).

However, it’s worth noting that, before fastening to a fixture, structural durability checks must be carried out by trained and competent personnel. Meanwhile, the assembly process itself must also be handled by an individual of suitable knowledge and experience.

Similarly, after installation, the system should be checked and certified by Safety LiftinGear.com or one of our authorised agents. These checks should be carried out at least annually to ensure their continued safe usage.

Please note that this support system is designed to be used with the MONOLINE 2-Wheeled Travelling Trolley for personal use and shouldn’t be used for suspending or transporting goods. Meanwhile, additional personal protective wear should also be worn by the MONOLINE user.


Ensure your safety and save your risk assessor from a meltdown today with one of our horizontal safety line systems. Call now on 0117 9381 600 for more information or get in touch using the button below.

Contact Us Now!


Hastings Pier

We were recently presented with the task of designing and installing permanent access systems on the underside of Hastings Pier.

Hastings Pier underside

The pier suffered extensive fire damage in October 2010, destroying an estimated 95% of the superstructure. The Hastings Pier Charity was formed shortly afterwards, and funding was secured from the Heritage Lottery Fund, which enabled restoration work to commence in January 2014.

Due to the nature of this project, no steel sections were able to be drilled, so we at SafetyLiftinGear had to design and fabricate bespoke stainless steel brackets for the mounting of our permanent horizontal safety lines.

Stainless steel bracket

The safety lines will provide over 170 metres of safe access for engineers when completing future maintenance and inspections along the underside of the pier.

This project is yet another example of SLG's ability to provide a bespoke solution for any brief. Visit our Height Safety department or contact us now to get what you need for your project.


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