A fall arrest harness will stop a fall as it’s happening. It’s designed to activate once the user has fallen, ‘arresting’ them in mid-air.
A fall restraint harness will prevent a fall from taking place altogether.
Fall Restraint & Fall Arrest Harnesses
When you're using safety harnesses and fall restraints to keep you safe at work, you need to be sure that the equipment you're relying on will never let you down.
Reliability is at the heart of SafetyLiftinGear's height safety range - we know how catastrophic the consequences could be if your equipment fails when working at height, and so we strive to provide nothing but the very best products.
These fall arrest harnesses are suitable for a wide range of jobs,including roofing, scaffolding and more. You can also purchase fall arrest kits featuring additional safety equipment.
Our harness range includes fall arrest harnesses (to stop you hitting the ground in the event of a fall) as well as fall restraint harness kits (to keep you from falling in the first place). If you're unsure of the difference, see Fall Arrest vs Fall Restraint.
If you have any questions or require more information about our safety harness kits, then please contact us today!